A work in progress.
Follow along in real time as construction of the new, state-of-the-art Poultry Science Building progresses.
Nov. 15, 2021:
On Monday, Nov. 15, 2021, we officially broke ground on the new Poultry Science Building. Read about the groundbreaking ceremony, attended by over 150 people, including Gov. Brian Kemp, Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black, UGA President Jere Morehead and CAES Dean and Director Nick T. Place.
Taking part in the groundbreaking were, from left, Ryan Nesbit, Kelly Kerner, Kathy Pharr, Rahul Shrivastav, Provost S. Jack Hu, Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black, President Jere W. Morehead, Gov. Brian Kemp, Marty Kemp, Nick Place, Kylie Bruce, Regent Everett Kennedy, Regent Philip Wilheit, Jennifer Frum, Arthur Tripp and Toby Carr. (Photo by Peter Frey/UGA)
Feb. 6, 2023:
Construction Progress
So much progress has been made since our last update! All of the floors are up and the roof is almost completed. On the exterior, the yellow waterproof skin is on and a layer of brick has been added. Inside the building, electrical, plumbing and HVAC infrastructure is progressing from the lower floors upwards. Once the building is sealed, drywall and flooring can begin. Construction is on track to be completed in late summer 2023. We look forward to opening the doors to poultry science students, faculty and staff for the first time!
Aug. 10, 2022:
Construction Progress
Construction progress is, for the most part on track, despite high competition for concrete in the area this summer.
Underground mechanical, electrical and plumbing is wrapping up on the south side of the building. The foundation slab was recently poured on the north half of the building and the south side slab will soon be poured.
The plan for the rest of 2022 is to add one floor per month, with the goal to reach the top floor by Thanksgiving and the roof by the end of the year.
March 16, 2022:
Construction Begins
The work has begun. The construction company broke through the pavement to begin the process of erecting the new Poultry Science Building.
October 6, 2023:
Ribbon Cutting
On October 6, 2023, the modern, cutting-edge Poultry Science Building opened its doors to students, faculty and staff. Classes will begin in the building in spring 2024. This building will become the new home of the next generation of great poultry leaders.
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